Lecturer in Higher Education
'Improv(e) your playing!' at Prins Claus Conservatory
Original module where classical students can learn the basics of improvisational theatre through exercises and games to then apply their skills to improvisation in music, working on how to ‘listen actively‘, ‘accept‘ and ‘react‘ to each others’ ideas.
'Performance & Communication' at Prins Claus Conservatory
In this module students work on their stage presence and their communication skills and how to apply those on the concert platform. During the course, students also explore new audiences and different ways of presenting their work, both as soloist and as ensembles.
'Musician as an actor' at Prins Claus Conservatory
This module is a space to explore the use and effects of onstage-physicality and to develop theatrical skills to enhance the expressiveness of our musical practice.
'Improvise your way forward: embrace the unknown and use it to your advantage' at University of Groningen
This skills module is offered as part of the broadening program at the Honours College of the University of Groningen. In it, students learn how to use the Improv principles to develop a positive attitude toward the unknown, accepting what is offered to us, and making the most of it, which can be applied to both our personal and professional life.
Workshop leader: Improv, Musical improv, Applied Improv for corporations...
Entrenadora de Improvisación - Workshops and courses on Improv and Musical improv at Various
Trained improv groups of various levels, as well as beginners of all ages, in both improv theatre and musical improvisation in different institutions across Spain and The Netherlands.
Applied Improv Trainer - Team-building workshops for corporations at Various
Trained corporations of various fields to develop soft skills through Improv: becoming better listeners, improving public speaking skills, dealing with unexpected circumstances in a positive way, developing problem-solving skills, and fostering trust and connection with your team members.
Líder de taller - Talleres creativos en Fairy studio (Yiwu, China)
Taller intensivo de 3 días basado en la composición instantánea, en el que niños de entre 6 y 12 años trabajaron juntos para crear una pieza original que se presentó ante el público como cierre del taller.
Líder de taller - Semana de Reflexión Artística y Conversaciones de Arte en Conservatorio Prins Claus (proyecto en vivo/en línea)
Serie de talleresen los que estudiantes de 1er año de los diferentes departamentos (Clásico, Jazz y Pedagogía) colaboran para crear composiciones artísticas para contribuir a un contexto social. Reflexionando sobre su propia práctica y la de sus compañeros, los estudiantes aprenden el valor de la escucha, laaceptación de las ideas de los demás y el sentido de la colaboración, y comprendenel importantepapel que tienen los artistas en la sociedad.
Speaker / Host
Ponente TedX youth (Gran Teatro, Groningen)
En esta charla, Naomi de Ruiter y Jeny Yáñez muestran la importancia de aceptar y utilizar los "errores" para seguir avanzando en la vida y cómo llegar a ser buenos en esto aplicando la "mentalidad de la improvisación".
Ponente Crisis&Creativity Winter School (en línea), Universidad de Groningen
La sabiduría de la improvisación nos ayuda a lidiar con la incertidumbre de la vida, especialmente en tiempos de crisis. Utilizando el principio del "sí, y además" en nuestra vida diaria, podemos desarrollar una mentalidad más adaptable y positiva.
Speaker Education Festival, University of Groningen
Presenting ¨Improvise your way forward: Teaching 21st century skills in Higher Education through Improv theatre¨.
Speaker PCC Research Festival, Prins Claus Conservatory
Presenting ¨From Motion to Emotion: Enhancing musicians’ expressiveness through Improvisational theatre”
Presentadora en varios
He presentado conciertos y eventos en diferentes lugares y para diferentes tipos de público. Mi objetivo es proporcionar presentaciones interactivas y con humor para mantener al público entretenido durante cualquier tipo de evento.
Other projects
Improv actress and resident pianist at Stranger Things Have Happened
Performed regular shows in the Netherlands and abroad (United Kingdom (Edinburgh Fringe Festival), Norway, Denmark, and Germany)
More about Stranger Things Have Happened: www.sthh.nl
Coach - Presencia escénica y actuaciones creativas en Varios
Ha asesorado a varios conjuntos y orquestas sobre la presencia en el escenario y las habilidades de comunicación, así como sobre cómo crear actuaciones innovadoras e interactivas para atraer al público.
¨Pitch? Perfect!¨ - Presentation skills for Academics at ¨Nothing But The Truth Conference¨
Workshop aimed to equip academics with the essential tools to perfect their academic pitch, fostering improvement in stage presence, body posture, and delivery of content.
Webinar - How to improve team dynamics while working remotely at International Welcome Center North
In this webinar, we provided participants with knowledge and practical tools to improve team dynamics, especially with international and diverse teams.